First Flip-Flops

Lillian has some new flip-flops for wearing when she is out and about. They stay on for five minutes or so at a time.

In my flip-flops

Please, mom, I’d rather do it myself!

Me with bottle

In a peachy mood…

Lillian had peaches and oatmeal for breakfast. Some remains to decorate her face.

Everything is just peachy!

Sitting on the floor

For several weeks, Lillian has been sitting and crawling, pulling herself up to standing, babbling and laughing. She’s getting close to her first birthday and she’s a joy everyday. Here’s a picture of her sitting on the floor:

Me sitting and playing

Bonked My Head

Lillian likes to stand up… she happily pulls herself up on chairs, sofas and tables. Every now and then she lets go without thinking through the consequences. Last week, she fell and bonked her head on the coffee table, resulting in a big bump and a quick trip to the doctor’s office. Happily,  she hadn’t done any serious damage; a large bruise on her forehead is the only mark remaining.

My big bruise

Cat lovers

Dad, Snuglio and me

Teeth, Front, Two

My first two teeth

If I ask nicely, will you let me out?

In my playpen

In my playpen

Sweet Lillian Grace

Me being sweet

Country Girl

Grandma Peggy gave me this dress

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