Little Boots

These boots were made for walking...

The Cool Girls

Lillian’s cousin Katelyn gave her the shades…

We're pretty cool!

Ashley Update: 1/6

Mom and me: how much longer do I have to sit here?

Ashley and Josh went to see her oncologist, Dr Jorge Darcourt, today to review the results of the full-body PET scan completed last week. The results were encouraging (in stage 4 cancer terms): the various tumor locations have not grown appreciably since her last PET scan in November. Since the brain tumors she had were pretty aggressive this had been a concern. Additionally, the scan showed that there was no new cancer in her brain since those tumors were removed.

Her new gene therapy treatment (Zelboraf) begins next Tuesday; she’ll take two pills a day. She’ll also get a new strong anti-nausea drug (nausea and hair loss are two of the most common side effects). She’ll visit a dermatologist once a month for a mole check: one of the other side effects is a much-increased risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, another common variety of skin cancer, and she’ll go in for a PET scan every two months.

Ashley thought she’d start the Zelboraf today, so, assuming she’d feel miserable and nauseated, she and Josh stopped at Whataburger for some greasy but delicious breakfast taquitos on the way to the oncologist; but she got a reprieve, so she’ll spend the weekend sampling a few more guilty pleasures while she can still enjoy them.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


Morning Nap

After a morning of hard work, mom’s lap is the perfect spot for a break and a quick snooze.

Taking a break...

Lillian the Artist

Happy New Year from Lillian and her family!

I'm an artist like my dad...