Summer Fun

On the Slide

On the Slide

Lillian and Hank

Lillian and Hank

The blog writer has been remiss in updating the exploits of Lillian this summer. She’s been having a great time, hanging out with her mom and dad (her mom took her to see Inside Out last weekend) and with her Yia Yia and ePa. She’s taking swimming lessons twice a week and going and swimming in uncle David and Aunt Michelle’s pool whenever she can. She visited with her aunt Nina and uncle Paul and cousin Samuli, who were in town from Finland in June. (While out to eat one day, Lillian was sitting in her aunt Nina’s lap–she’s pretty fond of her aunt Nina. A woman walking by stopped and said to Nina, “your daughter is lovely.” Nina looked surprised. “What’s your daughter’s name?” “My name is…Hannah,” said Lillian. “Oh, Hannah, you are so sweet!”)

Right now, Lillian is attending VBS at St. Thomas’ and seems to be having a pretty good time. Her aunt Michelle (who took the pictures) and her cousin Nathan are two of her teachers. You can see her above talking to her buddy Hank.

On Friday, Lillian and her mom and dad are off to the beach for the weekend with Na Na and Paw Paw Denby and assorted aunts, uncles and cousins.