Climbing at the Park

20131118-162526.jpgLillian and her great grandmother and I spent the afternoon at one of our favorite small parks, Stein Family Park, on the banks of Braes Bayou. Lilz discovered she could climb the rock wall without help, and spent much of our time there going up it and coming back down via slide.

Not quite as exciting as her Saturday at the Renaissance Festival riding camels and flying through the air, but pretty good for a Monday.

Go Go Go: A Video

It’s been awhile since we posted a video, so here’s one of Lillian talking with her dad, Josh Denby, while hanging on a climbing rope.

Hanging Out

20130309-164643.jpgThe Girl.

Come On, Let’s Go!

20130228-132103.jpgOne of Lillian’s new, favorite phrases is “come on, let’s go!” Here’s one of the ways it is used:

[Lillian approaches Grandpa sitting in chair]

Lillian: Grandpa sleeping!

Grandpa: um urg uff.

Lillian: Birds and doggies outside!

Grandpa: um urg uff.

[Lillian grabs Grandpa’s hand and shakes it vigorously]

Lillian: No sleepings!

Grandpa: Huh?

Lillian: Come on! Let’s go!


20130222-113325.jpgLillian’s at the park with Lauren, climbing.




Climbing the Net

20130129-144310.jpgThe last time Lillian and I went to the fire truck park over in Southside Place, she struggled on the climbing net. Today she went right at it as if she’d been doing it her whole life (all two years and five months of it). And today, she was full of words: she brought the dog bowls to me: “one bowl,” she said as she handed me the first, “t-bowls,” as she handed me the second. She pointed to her toes and said “toes”. She pointed to another kid in the park and said “little boy”. And there were more, though I am not a deft enough listener to catch them all.

Tree Climbing

20130122-171316.jpgLillian, who is reasonably sure that she is part monkey or other climbing creature, has a favorite tree. She can’t get where she wants on her own, so she has her grandfather lend a supporting hand to her back-side. When she is up there, she shares the gossip of the day with the squirrels, cardinals and blue jays.

Her vocabulary continues to grow; when she gives you something, she’ll say: “Here ya go.” However, when she wants something from you, she’ll still just pull you by the sleeve and point.

Potty training continues in fits and starts; we’ve even had some successes (mostly a matter of luck), but with a nice supply of books handy she doesn’t mind sitting on the throne for a while. Of course, this means that once she’s trained, no one else is going to be able to get into the bathroom.