Lillian Swimming Solo

Lillian-SwimmingLillian with one of her swimming teachers, Ms. Linsey: she is on her back, kicking to the side of the pool, without her teacher’s help. She’s had two months of lessons and is coming along nicely at the fabulous Houston Swim Club in Sharpstown where it seems like just about every kid on this end of town learned to swim.

Pink is for Girls: The Logic of an Almost 4 Year Old.

Lilz-in-PinkLillian: Hey, ePa, I have on a pink dress!

ePa: That is true.

Lillian: Pink is for girls!

ePa (the very model of the politically correct grandpa): Well, Lilz, some boys like pink, too.

Lillian: Do you like pink, ePa?

ePa: Well, not exactly.

Lillian: That’s correct. You are a boy. You like blue.

ePa: Girls can like blue, too.

Lillian: Silly ePa!

ePa: Why do you like pink, anyway?

Lillian: Kaitlyn likes pink. Na Na likes pink. Yia Yia likes pink. Amy likes pink. We are girls, ePa. You are a boy.

Using Your Hands to Draw? B-O-R-I-N-G

