Helping Mom at the Grocery 2

Hey, mom, let’s go find the ice cream section!

Helping Mom at the Grocery 1

If I don’t guide the cart, Mom will probably run over someone.

Ashley Update

Me and my Dad

Ashley went today for her regular check-up at her oncologist (the picture is of Lillian and her dad sending her off to the doctor), and is doing okay. Aside from pretty constant joint pain and occasional nausea, she has been feeling reasonably well (knowing that your cancer drug is working helps!). She’s lost all of her eyebrows and her eyelashes are going fast, but she’s maintaining enough hair on her head for a Marine-style buzz cut.

She visited her dermatologist a few weeks ago and had some suspicious spots removed from her skin. One was a basal cell carcinoma: these are a common side effect of Zelboraf, which slows the growth of melanoma, but can accelerate the growth of basal cell cancers, the other common form of skin cancer. Thus, she makes regular visits to the dermatologist for full-body mapping of skin growths: he removes anything suspicious.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Lillian and Tails

Thanks, mom!

There are certain things that excite mothers and grandmothers: one of those things is when their 21-month old girl finally has enough hair for them to start teasing it into twists and tails.


Sometimes I just run out of gas...


Lillian Grace in ladybug pjs

My ladybug PJs

The chief blogger hasn’t blogged much lately as parental care giving has consumed most of his time.

Lillian is 19 months old and growing like a weed. She’s getting taller: her mom and dad keep moving breakables and bottles to higher and higher shelves. She’s a bundle of energy, in constant motion whether awake or asleep. She’s a talker, babbling mostly, but there are real words mixed in. She’s a walker, and when she has her shoes on, she’s a stomper.

Lillian and her folks drove up to Huntington last weekend for her cousin Katelyn’s third birthday party. Katelyn is enamored of princesses, and so that was the theme of the party. Lillian thinks her cousin is very cool and sophisticated. (Katelyn let Ashley know that Lillian told Katelyn that Lillian wants a princess party for her second birthday in August.) Lillian also loved visiting with grandma Peggy and grandpa Keith, and her aunts Cari and Elli. Ashley and Josh had a great time, too, despite the torrential downpours on the drives up and back.

On the phone

Ashley continues her cancer therapy: she’s back on the full dose and will have a scan in a few weeks that will tell whether the Zelboraf is stopping the growth of her cancers. She’s lost her eyebrows and most of her hair, but she has some fetching hats and scarves to wear when she goes out (MariCarmen Wiedemann knitted several matching caps for Ashley and Lillian). Ashley has to be very careful to limit sun exposure on her skin due to the drugs she is taking: they’ve caused a lot of skin problems. She’s also having joint pain and stiffness; she uses a cane sometimes when her knees and ankles are affected. But despite all that, her spirits remain good most days, and Lillian’s always there to brighten her spirits.

Happy Girl

Having fun with my mom

Lillian and Ashley: February 2012

Me and Mom

Ashley began her cancer treatment with the new drug Zelboraf at the beginning of January. She’s spent most of January learning its side effects. She’s had some nausea, but has effective drugs to counter this. She continues to lose hair (she thought it was a bit odd when half of one eyebrow fell off one morning), but she got used to that during last year’s treatment. The worst side effect has been severe joint swelling and pain, similar to the effects of rheumatoid arthritis; she can’t take most of the drugs that would counteract the swelling because they aren’t compatible with Zelboraf. She’s also had a number of skin rashes, acne and rosacea; she now sees a dermatologist regularly; he’s prescribed some effective medicines for the skin issues.

Ashley and Lillian spend most weekdays with Lillian’s grandfather and her great-grandparents. Lillian particularly likes rainy days: it means she can go out in the backyard and get muddy (and occasionally try a mouthful of Houston’s tasty clay soil).

Me and grandma Peggy

Last weekend, Lillian’s grandma Peggy came down for a visit and they got to hang out and play with Lillian’s collection of toys. Her dad, Josh, celebrated his birthday this week and Lillian enjoyed a large portion of ice cream cake: she required a bath to remove a lot of it.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


Little Boots

These boots were made for walking...

The Cool Girls

Lillian’s cousin Katelyn gave her the shades…

We're pretty cool!

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