Lillian and Her Uncle Richard



Cold & Frosty Mornings

in-coat-and-hatIt was very cold this morning, but Lillian was prepared in her favorite hat and coat. It’s not enough simply to dress warmly — one also needs to fuel one’s body, and most experts agree that Goldfish crackers are the premier snack fuel choice of pre-school adventurers.

The Denby Clan Together

4 Generations of Denbys: Josh, Imogene, Lillian and Keith

4 Generations of Denbys: Josh, Imogene, Lillian and Keith

On Saturday, Josh and Lillian drove over to Port Arthur for a family gathering of Denbys, including Lillian’s great-grandmother Imogene Denby. Here’s a report from Peggy:

Hide and seek

Hide and seek

We had a great visit with the Denby family on Saturday.  Lillian got to visit her great-grandmother and other  family members.  It was great to get a four generations picture of Lillian, her daddy, grandfather (Paw-Paw) and great-grandmother.  She played hide and seek with cousin Katelyn (and did a lot of running and squealing when they transformed their jackets into capes (thanks to Aunt Cari).

Josh and Lillian tossing rings

Josh and Lillian tossing rings

Daddy taught her the fine art of ring toss. I have a feeling she might have fallen asleep in the car on the way home!

Locks of Love

Josh, Lillian and Nancy

Josh, Lillian and Nancy

Back a year and a half ago or so, when, as a side effect of her anti-cancer drugs, Ashley lost her hair yet again, Josh decided to grow his hair out until it was long enough to be cut and made into a wig for her.

Ashley died before they could achieve that goal. Josh kept growing his hair, however, and on Thursday went and had it cut and gave it to Locks of Love, a non-profit that uses donated hair to give high-quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children suffering hair loss from any cause.

Lillian has a great dad.