Happy Girl

Having fun with my mom

Lillian and Ashley: February 2012

Me and Mom

Ashley began her cancer treatment with the new drug Zelboraf at the beginning of January. She’s spent most of January learning its side effects. She’s had some nausea, but has effective drugs to counter this. She continues to lose hair (she thought it was a bit odd when half of one eyebrow fell off one morning), but she got used to that during last year’s treatment. The worst side effect has been severe joint swelling and pain, similar to the effects of rheumatoid arthritis; she can’t take most of the drugs that would counteract the swelling because they aren’t compatible with Zelboraf. She’s also had a number of skin rashes, acne and rosacea; she now sees a dermatologist regularly; he’s prescribed some effective medicines for the skin issues.

Ashley and Lillian spend most weekdays with Lillian’s grandfather and her great-grandparents. Lillian particularly likes rainy days: it means she can go out in the backyard and get muddy (and occasionally try a mouthful of Houston’s tasty clay soil).

Me and grandma Peggy

Last weekend, Lillian’s grandma Peggy came down for a visit and they got to hang out and play with Lillian’s collection of toys. Her dad, Josh, celebrated his birthday this week and Lillian enjoyed a large portion of ice cream cake: she required a bath to remove a lot of it.

Thanks for your prayers and support!