Sick Cookie

At Texas Children's

At Texas Children’s

Lillian came down with a fever on Thursday afternoon, and it stuck with her, along with a cough and some drainage, right through the weekend. Sunday afternoon, it spiked up to 105, so Lillian’s dad Josh and her yia-yia Nancy hauled her off to the Emergency Department at Texas Children’s, where she joined a couple of hundred other sick kids.

After several hours and tests for strep and flu and urine infection and, finally, an x-ray, the doctor determined that Lilz has pneumonia, for which he prescribed good old amoxicillin. He said it is very treatable, and the amoxicillin should knock it right out. We’ll follow up with her pediatrician as soon as we can get her in today or tomorrow.

Lillian, an old hand at medical procedures, was a trooper (though dad and yia-yia were glad they had brought the iPad for entertaining small people). They got home about 1:30 am, and dad and yia-yia are dragging a bit this morning.

Sparkly Sequins in the Sun

20131119-151908.jpgIf your t-shirt has sparkly sequins on it and you stand just so in a shaft of late afternoon sunlight, magical things can (and sometimes do) happen.

Climbing at the Park

20131118-162526.jpgLillian and her great grandmother and I spent the afternoon at one of our favorite small parks, Stein Family Park, on the banks of Braes Bayou. Lilz discovered she could climb the rock wall without help, and spent much of our time there going up it and coming back down via slide.

Not quite as exciting as her Saturday at the Renaissance Festival riding camels and flying through the air, but pretty good for a Monday.

She Could Swing All Day

20131114-075435.jpgOn Tuesday, a cold front blew into Houston. As the wind blew hard and the temperature dropped, Lillian insisted on a trip to the park. What she mostly wanted to do was swing. “ePa,” she said, “This is fun!”

Lillian Enjoying The Simple Things

This weekend, Josh’s mom and dad, Peggy and Keith Denby (better known to Lillian as Na-Na and Paw-Paw) came to visit Lillian and her dad. Here is Peggy’s report, along with some pictures:

On our visit this weekend, Keith and I enjoyed playing with Lillian while Josh got his errands done and enjoyed a little grown-up time.

20131103-174409.jpgThe pictures show how easy she is to entertain! She loves singing BINGO. She gets excited and gets a couple of the letters — but always ends loudly with a grin on her face! She made two of her baby dolls dance while we sang the song (of course, I was provided with a baby doll to make it a real dance party).

20131103-174434.jpgAlso, please note the “dinosaur” she drew on her magic drawing board! Well, NaNa thinks it looks like a dinosaur!

20131103-174448.jpgFor quiet time after lunch, we watched the OLD Winnie the Pooh; I really didn’t think she would watch it, but she sat on my lap and quietly watched the entire story of Pooh and the Honey Tree! At the end, she jumped down and got close to the tv and stared at piglet and pooh — I wondered what she was thinking! Anyway, Dora and Bubble Guppies were forgotten for a while.