Good Morning

In the morning



Morning Cheer

I'm kind of a morning person

The Girl With The Elephant Hat

In my elephant hat

My New Buddy

My new puppy sings and makes lots of noise. I love him. I’m not so sure mom and dad do, though!

Me and my puppy

Riding the Dragon

Me and my dragon

Lillian Grace’s Baptism

Lillian Grace was baptized today at St Thomas’ Episcopal Church in Houston surrounded by Denbys and Wenners and Nubers and Graveses and family and friends, including three great-grandmothers and one great-grandfather.

Happy Climber

Lillian visited her pediatrician yesterday: she now weighs 18 pounds, 9 ounces and she’s 28 1/2 inches tall. She now registers on the growth charts even without adjusting for her prematurity — she’s in the 18th percentile for weight and 32nd percentile for height. Dr Rowland thinks that developmentally she is very close to catching up to her chronological age. All this is very good news. The remaining big issue that Lillian faces is that one of her kidneys is small and only marginally functional, and this causes high-blood pressure. She’ll have it out sometime in the next two to four years, most likely.

I like to climb on things...

First Ice Cream

Lillian ate ice cream for the first time on her birthday. Since she is a Texan, it was, of course, Blue Bell. Since she is Josh’s daughter, it was, of course, chocolate ice cream — Dutch Chocolate, to be exact.

Wow. Ice cream. Who knew?

Opening Presents

You mean it's ok to tear up THIS paper?

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