Playing Cards

Playing Cards with Lillian

After a couple of games of Go Fish, Lillian announced that she was creating her own card game, “Bulba-Bub”.

“I get all the high cards, you get all the low cards,” she said. “The person with the high cards wins.”

“Hmmmm,” I said.

There was a long pause.

“But it’s fair,” she said.

It was fun.

I lost.

Lillian and a Grasshopper

Lillian and I went for a walk at the Houston Arboretum on Friday morning. We saw squirrels and turtles and birds and trees.

“It’s hot, ePa,” she said — more than once. Then: “Look, it’s a grasshopper!” and she put her finger out and the grasshopper jumped up on her.

Heat forgotten.

Pictures by Lillian Grace Denby


Lillian, Photographer


Lillian and I at Willow Waterhole Park on a beautiful early summer morning. She is taking pictures.