With Aliens at Lunchtime.

Lillian-alien-otterA certain girl, possibly named Lillian Grace, finds aliens interesting. Her friend and pal, Lauren, presented her with a set of purple antennae, which she wore proudly most of the day Saturday, accompanied by a soft and furry otter. (For those who might be curious, plush otter fur and melted cheese from a girl’s grilled cheese sandwich should probably not share the same physical space).

When Lillian’s Yia-Yia dropped the girl back with her dad, he asked her what on earth was that thing in her hair.

“I,” said Lillian, “am a beautiful alien.”

Conversations While Eating Brownies.

Lillian-on-patioWhile our friends to the east are still in the deep freeze, today in Houston was spring-like, warm and clear. Lillian and I sat in the backyard, eating brownies.

“ePa,” says Lillian, “Where did the clouds go?”

“I think to North Carolina and Georgia.”

Lillian thought for a minute or two.

“ePa,” she asked, “Where did the meteors go?”

“um … meteors? I don’t really know.”

“ePa, where did the aliens go?”

“Aliens? I really don’t know!”

“Oh silly ePa,” she laughed, “They are right over there behind the frog!”

And off she went to join them.

Orange Juice and Pain

Lilz-haircutLillian, who is almost three and a half years old, spent part of the weekend with her Yia-Yia (whom she occasionally calls “Nancy” to see what Yia-Yia’s reaction will be — pained, mostly) and Lauren. Yia-Yia and Lauren decided that Lillian needed a haircut, so they went off and got the cut you see above. Later, Lillian said to her grandfather: “My hair is beautiful.” This was a statement, not a question — a relief to her grandfather, as he did not have to think about what the proper comment on the haircut should be. He just said, “Yes”.

On Sunday, Lillian went to brunch with her grandparents and great-grandmother. She asked what her great-grandmother was drinking.

“A mimosa,” said her Yia-Yia.

“What’s that?” said Lillian.

“Orange juice and champagne.”

Lillian smiled.

“Orange juice and pain,” she said, wiser, perhaps, than she realizes.