Bare Butts: Hippie Summer

Bare butts are very comfortable

Lillian’s Aunt Elli, Uncle Josh and Cousin Kaitlyn gave her some 1960’s style fringed shirts for her birthday. Lili took to them immediately and now fancies herself a hippie: today in the backyard with her mom she started cramming mud in her diaper, then removed pants and diaper and had a grand time running around butt-naked.

Diaper Houdini

Lillian is skilled at removing her own diaper — usually at the most inconvenient times!

They call me Diaper Houdini

Lillian Grace Denby Update: 11/21/2010


Post bottle

Lillian Grace is 104 days old today.

Lillian started her morning with a good breakfast straight from mom, then had lunch with dad, who fed her with a bottle of mom’s milk. After lunch, Lillian fell into a deep and satisfied sleep on Josh, who spent several hours holding her. Lillian slept through her 9:00 pm breastfeeding time; the night shift will try another bottle feeding at midnight. When Lillian completes the transition to all oral feeding, she will need at least a couple of bottle feedings a day, as she will require some supplements to mother’s milk for some time to come.


Winking at Mom

Lillian’s up to 12 hours per day on nasal cannula, and her oxygen support is between 25 and 33% — she’s making really good progress and is on track to be completely off C-PAP by mid-week. She gained some more weight and is now 7 lbs, 5.1 ozs.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Lillian Squawks: A Video

My Mom Changes My Diaper: 9/2/2010