Remembering a Mom


Ashley and Lillian, January, 2012

Today, August 17, 2015, is Ashley’s birthday. She would have been 36 years old today–an impossible number. It’s the third birthday since she died, and we miss her everyday.

A Girl’s Favorite Birthday Present

Lillian Grace Denby was five years old on Sunday, August 9. Her dad threw her a party on Saturday, and she had a nice representation of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents as guests. (Her mom, Amy, had to be out of town at a funeral).

Lillian’s aunt Elli and cousin Katelyn (going into the first grade this fall) are pretty savvy choosers of presents for five year old girls, and picked out the dog you see in the video above. Lillian fell in love at first sight and named her (the dog is, of course, a girl) “Snowflake.” With a hefty feeding of D-Cell batteries and the flick of a switch, Snowflake barks, pants, walks, sits and does just about everything else except for soiling carpets and stinking up houses.

Those of you who have followed Lillian’s adventures since she was a tiny, tiny baby facing daunting odds of survival and later lost her mom when she was just 2 and a half, will be happy to know that she is today a lively, kind, funny and occasionally cantakerous adventurer, about to start the Kindergarten Bridge program in school this fall. She is blessed with many family and friends whose love and support have helped sustain her (and her family) over these five years.

Lillian’s Fourth Birthday Party

We celebrated Lillian’s fourth birthday at her new home in Clear Lake, which she shares with her dad, Josh, and his new fiancee, Amy Button. Lillian’s Aunt Elli and Uncle Josh, her five year-old cousin Katelyn and fifteen month-old cousin Wesley, her Aunts Cari and Sylvia, her great-grandmother Anne, her Aunt Lauren, and her grand-parents Peggy and Keith (NaNa and Paw Paw) and Nancy and John (Yia Yia and ePa) all were there to help celebrate and open presents and eat cake.

Remembering Lillian’s Mom on her Birthday

Ashley and Lillian August 19, 2010: the day she held Lillian for the first time

Ashley and Lillian August 19, 2010: the day she held Lillian for the first time

Today, Saturday, August 17th, would have been Ashley’s 34th birthday. Although we haven’t written much about her since her death in December, we think of her every day. We see glimpses of her in her daughter Lillian, whose robust health and joyous outlook owe so much to Ashley’s fierce devotion and sacrifice. We remember her kindness, her strength and her quiet but very real faith and hope. At some point this weekend, we’ll go eat Indian food in her memory and, I hope, weep a little and laugh a lot. Love you, Ashley Elizabeth.

Saturday Birthday Party

Peggy and Keith Denby (Lillian’s NaNa and PawPaw) and Lillian’s aunt Cari drove down from the wilds of east Texas on Saturday to celebrate Lillian’s 3rd birthday. We gathered at aunt Michelle and uncle David’s house (so Lillian could swim in the pool).

Lillian’s cousin Nathan spent most of the party up in Copperfield along with Michelle and David winning his first tennis tournament, but we still had a great time, and cousins Emma (just back from six weeks in Russia), Daniel and Miranda were excellent hosts.

Peggy took these pictures:

The Cookie Cake

Lillian and her Dad

The Lilz likes cars

Emma, Lillian, and Miranda

Now We Are Three

20130809-072403.jpgOur own small miracle, Lillian Grace Denby, is three years old today.

Birthday Balloons

I love balloons.

Now We Are Two: A Video

Lillian Grace turns two years old today. In this video, she bangs on her new drum while hamming for her dad as he takes pics and she climbs at the park. Happy birthday, kiddo!

My New Buddy

My new puppy sings and makes lots of noise. I love him. I’m not so sure mom and dad do, though!

Me and my puppy

Riding the Dragon

Me and my dragon

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