Come On, Let’s Go!

20130228-132103.jpgOne of Lillian’s new, favorite phrases is “come on, let’s go!” Here’s one of the ways it is used:

[Lillian approaches Grandpa sitting in chair]

Lillian: Grandpa sleeping!

Grandpa: um urg uff.

Lillian: Birds and doggies outside!

Grandpa: um urg uff.

[Lillian grabs Grandpa’s hand and shakes it vigorously]

Lillian: No sleepings!

Grandpa: Huh?

Lillian: Come on! Let’s go!

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl

20130226-141008.jpgThe Lilibug is entering her deconstructionist phase: the phrase “broke it” is heard with some frequency.

Drummer Girl: A Video

One of the world’s top two-year old percussionists.

In Charge


A Gathering of Denbys

20130223-222301.jpgA special report from grandma Peggy: Lillian enjoyed playing at Great Grandmother Denby’s house with her Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousin Katelyn and second cousins Luke, Joel and Anaya. Bubble and balls proved to be fun for the children and adults. And the youngsters decided balls were great for sitting and bouncing. Aunt Cari is a favorite and just one of the girls!

We hope to get this group together more often!



20130222-113325.jpgLillian’s at the park with Lauren, climbing.

Uncle Daddy

20130219-192138.jpgLillian was out and about today with Lauren and her uncle Richard. When she wanted her uncle’s attention, she called him “Uncle Daddy.”

“No,” Richard said, “I’m uncle Richard.”

Lillian looked at Richard as if he was a bit simple: “Uncle Daddy,” she said, very firmly.

More Bows and Nefarious Plots

20130217-092226.jpgThe Lilibug really wanted four bows in her hair Saturday morning, but her father and grandmother thought two was plenty.

At nap time, as she fought off sleep, they heard her say repeatedly “Oh, no!” followed shortly by “It’s okay, daddy.”

I think the toddlers are plotting to take over the world.

A Bow in her Hair

20130216-070102.jpgLauren drove Nancy and Lillian around to do some errands yesterday, and they went and had lunch with Lillian’s uncle Richard. Nancy got a yellow bow and put it in Lilz’s hair. Lilz spent the rest of the day pointing it out to those lacking in fashion sense (dads and granddads, particularly) and explaining “it’s a bow!”




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