My Birthday — By Lillian

We threw a big bash for Lillian’s 2nd birthday, featuring grilled hot dogs (including veggie dogs for the vegetarians) by Chris and Matt Graves, Grandma Peggy’s fabulous potato salad, and dinosaur cupcakes by the Texas Cupcake Queen, Lauren Massey. In addition to a slew of Houston great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends (and some dogs), Lili’s cousin Kaitlyn came down from East Texas with her mom and dad, aunts and grandparents, and Lili’s friend Josie came with her mom. The girls were dressed for getting wet; a number of the grown-ups weren’t, but got wet anyway. (There was some grumbling at Texas girls who decide to have their birthdays in August rather than just about any other not-quite-so-hot month).

Lillian presents this little video with subtitled commentary (with an assist from ace photographer grandma Peggy).

Smiling for Grandma Peggy

Smiling for Grandma Peggy

Ready for my close up!





Lillian Loves Large Shoes

My dad doesn’t really understand a girl’s relationship with shoes.

Lillian’s Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Keith came down for a visit on Saturday. They had a great visit. Peggy took some pictures and wrote:

Thought all of you might enjoy the pictures we snapped of Lillian on Saturday.  She loves the camera!  Loves to smile when she sees the light on the flash start blinking… heads right to the lens so you don’t miss her!  She also loves shoes (especially any that are bigger than hers) and the plastic box you see is her favorite musical instrument!

She is soooo… cute… of course we are a just a little prejudiced!

Her Grandpa John, who is completely objective and un-prejudiced, agrees.

That’s my drum. I play for the downstairs neighbors as often as I can.

Walking in the Rain

My grandma Nancy and I like to walk in the rain…

Tempted by a Fountain

If grandma Nancy would just let go of my hand, I could have some real fun…

In the Pool with Dad

My dad’s got me! (Aunt Lori Wenner took the picture)

Lillian and Josh joined Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Keith Denby at a pool party at their Uncle David Wenner’s home in Kingwood. Lillian swam, ate burgers and had a blast hanging out with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Splash Talkin’: A Video

At Katelyn’s Birthday Party

Me and my cousin Katelyn

From Lillian’s Grandma Peggy:

Thought you might enjoy some pictures from Lillian’s cousin Katelyn’s 3rd birthday party.

Mom, Dad and me

Josh, Ashley, Lillian and Aunt Cari (and Josh’s mom and grandmother and brother from Kermit) all came to Lufkin for the birthday.

Baby doll walking

We all had a great time, but I think Lillian and Katelyn enjoyed the “grocery shopping and baby doll walking” after the cake most of all.  They had several “deep”conversations about life – Katelyn did most of the talking and Lillian listened carefully.

My aunts Elli and Cari

They really seem to enjoy each other and shared all of the toys like best friends.

Lillian and Ashley: February 2012

Me and Mom

Ashley began her cancer treatment with the new drug Zelboraf at the beginning of January. She’s spent most of January learning its side effects. She’s had some nausea, but has effective drugs to counter this. She continues to lose hair (she thought it was a bit odd when half of one eyebrow fell off one morning), but she got used to that during last year’s treatment. The worst side effect has been severe joint swelling and pain, similar to the effects of rheumatoid arthritis; she can’t take most of the drugs that would counteract the swelling because they aren’t compatible with Zelboraf. She’s also had a number of skin rashes, acne and rosacea; she now sees a dermatologist regularly; he’s prescribed some effective medicines for the skin issues.

Ashley and Lillian spend most weekdays with Lillian’s grandfather and her great-grandparents. Lillian particularly likes rainy days: it means she can go out in the backyard and get muddy (and occasionally try a mouthful of Houston’s tasty clay soil).

Me and grandma Peggy

Last weekend, Lillian’s grandma Peggy came down for a visit and they got to hang out and play with Lillian’s collection of toys. Her dad, Josh, celebrated his birthday this week and Lillian enjoyed a large portion of ice cream cake: she required a bath to remove a lot of it.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


Little Boots

These boots were made for walking...

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