
20130723-100642.jpgHanging out with two-almost-three year olds is, while exhausting, often loads of fun. They are endlessly inventive and curious and their light, sweet voices are a most delightful music.

And, once in a while you get a monologue like this:

Lillian (points to herself): “That’s Lillian.”
(Points to her grandfather): “That’s ePa.”
(Pauses, places finger on chin, considers): “Lillian. ePa. Friends.”

Hugging Bugs

20130722-083243.jpgLillian has two plastic bugs that buzz and move when you press a button on their rears. They kept running into one another: “Yook!” Lillian said, “Huggin’ bugs!”

In Performance

20130720-064538.jpgLillian spent her mornings last week at St Thomas’ Episcopal‘ VBS, hanging out with other kids, making various craft-y things, and practicing for the big Friday evening performance. She’s a bit of a ham and really enjoyed it, but her interpretations of her parts in the songs were certainly idiosyncratic.

She’s also gotten to spend a lot of time with her great uncle Paul, great aunt Nina and cousin Samuli, who have been visiting from Kerava, Finland, while her grandpa was amusing everyone by passing a few kidney stones and otherwise making a general nuisance of himself. The Finns return to Finland today and we’ll all miss them, though I suspect they are looking forward to the weather ( highs in the low 70s) and to their garden in full bloom.

As Lillian says, “See ya later, guys!”

Lillian’s Travels – 4th of July Weekend Edition

The weekend after the 4th of July, Lillian and I visited the Denbys in Huntington.  Much fun was had by all!


In the pool with Nana – for some reason, this ladder was the main attraction


She tried water wings for the first time – as you can see, her reaction was ebullient 🙂


A little time for reflection in the sandbox…


…and then it was time to pick some pears!


Some of which were higher than others, and required the assistance of Aunt Cari 🙂

Not pictured are the two boxes of fireworks which were detonated with much glee and applause. There was also a seesaw which got rave reviews from both little girls, and scads of blurry photos from Photographer Dad.

Happy 4th of July

20130704-181515.jpgLillian and Josh hang out with a gaggle of Graves’s. (front) Richard Graves, Lauren Roesler, Anne Graves (back) Miranda, Nathan, Michelle, David, Daniel, Nancy, Samuli, Nina, Paul Graves, Lillian and Josh Denby.