Hallowe’en 2014



A Princess and her Retainers

Lillian and AmyLillian, the Fairy Princess and her step Mom, Amy, at St. Thomas’ Fall Fair.

Conversations While Walking

Walking-Home-2014-10-22-14.05.02It’s a glorious warm autumn day in Houston, the kind of day that tempts people to move here, only to have their lives shattered by August ten months later.

On days like this, when we have no where else to go, Lillian and I sometimes walk the mile or so home from school along the small bayou (or, as you might call it, drainage ditch) where there are sticks and wild flowers to find, and grass to pick, and squirrels and birds to chase.

Today, Lillian found a small branch. She pointed to a large gooey brown pile in the grass.

“ePa,” she said, “What’s that?”

“Dog poo,” I said.

“Is it GranAnne’s dog’s poo?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh. Is it some other dog’s?”


“Do all dogs poo?”

“I think so, yes.”


(ePa attempts to distill his vast knowledge of biology and canine excretory systems into language a four-year old might understand): “Just because.”

“Ok. Do Jack-o-Lanterns poo?”

“I don’t believe they do. No.”


“Look, Lillian, over there: it’s a squirrel. Go chase it.”


IMG_2354.JPGLillian: What are we going to do today, ePa?
ePa: What do you want to do?
Lillian: Fight bad guys. Or dance.

Someone thinks maybe it’s autumn

IMG_2339.JPGLillian Grace.