Cookie Eating Al Fresco



Sand in the Sandbox

20130520-212143.jpgSome time ago, Peggy and Keith brought Lillian this turtle sandbox. Until now, it’s been used mostly as a swimming pool. But Lilz enjoys digging and pouring and shaping dirt, so she and I went over to Lowe’s and got some sand and put it in the sandbox, and Lilz spent a good part of the day playing in the sand.

She seemed to particularly enjoy pouring sand over her head. I suspect that at bath time tonight, Josh found sand in most of places on her body where such substances tend to collect.

Rabbits and Hairy Arms

20130320-203048.jpgThere’s a little plaster statue of a rabbit in the backyard that’s made an appearance or two before in this blog. For some reason Lillian loves that rabbit. He’s lost part of a leg and all of an ear and most of his paint, but Lilz carries him around as if he was warm and soft and furry.

When she isn’t taking care of old garden statuary, she’s busy studying her surroundings and offering commentary. As I sat out in the sun, she walked over, ran her hands up and down my arm and said: “Very hairy,” then ran off to chase squirrels.

Not a bad first day of spring, all in all.


20130304-215458.jpgLillian has discovered the banana (or ‘nana, as she calls it). They are her first real food obsession. (Josh has to place them well out of her reach).

She says “‘nana” with a throaty kind of tremor and she looks at her ‘nanas with an intense, devout gaze. She eats them straight or, sometimes, by sticking her finger in the raw banana flesh and then slowly sucking it off her finger tips.

Do not, if you know what is good for you, get between Lillian and her ‘nanas.




Afternoon Musings: A Video

Lillian climbed to the top of the play structure built for her uncle Richard twenty years ago, and offered these meditations for the edification of all and sundry.

Ears or Handles?

20130119-113400.jpgYou may call them ears: Lilz calls them handles (not a real rabbit, in case you can’t tell).

Water Baby

I like water.