Learning to Swim

2014-05-29-LearningToSwimLillian will finish her first two weeks of swimming lessons tomorrow. She’s always loved being in the water, so now seemed like a good time for her to learn to swim on her own. She’s in the Houston Swim Club’s two-week beginners class, which is five days a week, and will graduate to the Goldfish level and have lessons three days a week through June. It seems as if most of the kids on this end of town learned to swim at HSC.

Day one was fine, right up until her teacher wanted her to put her face in the water. This did not seem like a good idea to her, and she let everyone know. She was not alone: the other three members of her group viewed the entire exercise with emotions that ranged from simple fear to stark raving terror. By the end of the first week, terror had given way to pleasure, and now, at the end of the second week, they are all at home in the water. The instructors have been through this a time or two before, and handle the kids very well. Parents and grandparents are banished to an observation room behind one-way glass.


It’s Important To Keep Rain Off Of Your Swimsuit


Lunching with Lillian

20140509-122645.jpgLillian wanted to have lunch at the Statue of Liberty in outer space. We ended up at House of Pies, where pancakes, bacon and eggs seem to have overcome any disappointment she had at not getting her first choice of venues.