Walking in the Rain

My grandma Nancy and I like to walk in the rain…

Eating Fruit Snacks With A Fork

I eat fruit snacks with a fork.

Beating the Heat: A Video

Lillian believes that when the weather is hot, one should wear as few clothes as one’s mom will allow; it’s easier to get mom to let you strip down when there’s water involved. And, once you get going, in the interest of science you need to see what will happen when you shovel dirt into the pool.

Tempted by a Fountain

If grandma Nancy would just let go of my hand, I could have some real fun…

Friday in the Park and at the Oncologist

Lillian and her grandpa spent the morning wandering around Hermann Park while Ashley was at her oncologist’s for a check up.

Ashley is doing well over all, but she has anemia and her white blood cell count is low. They will work on the anemia, but the low white blood cells are a side effect of her treatment. Her oncologist wants her to wear a mask when out in public to reduce her risk of catching a bug.


Stalking Wild Tigers

When you are after Big Game, patience and coolness count for a lot…

In the Pool with Dad

My dad’s got me! (Aunt Lori Wenner took the picture)

Lillian and Josh joined Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Keith Denby at a pool party at their Uncle David Wenner’s home in Kingwood. Lillian swam, ate burgers and had a blast hanging out with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.