Lillian Gives Yia Yia Huggies

Lillian hugging her Yia Yia. The dress Lillian has on used to reach below her knees. 

Sand. Sea. Girl. 

Lillian is a beach girl. 

Butterflies and Lillian


Lillian and I were out for a walk and saw the Monarch butterfly that’s flittering about in these pictures.

Missing a Tooth

Yesterday, Lillian’s first baby tooth came out. She seems kind of happy about it.

Cookies & Cool Socks

Beaded socks courtesy of Betsy Miller: Lillian crosses her legs artfully so you can’t fail to notice them. Cookie courtesy of ePa: Lillian likes cookies, in case you were wondering. 

Robot Puppy Statues

Robot Puppy Statue
On one of the routes we take on the way home from school, there is a concrete block holding a drain pipe: concrete drain. Lillian, the story-teller, has decided that it is the base for a statue. Since the statue is missing, she steps onto the base and becomes the statue. What she is a statue of varies from story to story, but lately she is the statue of a robot  puppy.

Her grandfather’s job is to bring the statue into motion by pressing a complicated series of buttons and switches located on the statue’s back. He usually gets the sequence wrong, and has to be coached through the process–quite the challenge for the motionless statue. He eventually manages, through luck mostly, to get the sequence correct, and the statue creaks into robotic life, and clanks down the sidewalk, barking in a mechanical robot puppy voice, until some new story presents itself.

Lillian Speaks of Doughnuts 


A dialogue between Lillian and her grandfather. 

Lillian: ePa, will you make me some doughnuts?

ePa: I don’t really know how to make doughnuts; I think they are kind of hard. 

Lillian: Do you have an iPad?

ePa: Yes. 

Lillian: Then the iPad will tell us how. There will be a video.

ePa: Oh. 

Lillian: It’s easy. Let’s do it. Sometimes I say “ePad”. It’s short for iPad. Do you know how to spell “doughnut”? Don’t worry. Yia-Yia knows how. She knows most everything. 

A New Swim Suit


Lillian’s Yia-Yia gave her a new swim suit and she wore it to her lesson yesterday. She insisted I take a picture. Note that her swim goggles have big eyelashes on them. She thinks they are pretty neat. In the video below, she demonstrates her back stroke…

Easter in Huntington

Lillian spent the Easter weekend in Huntington with Na Na and Paw Paw Denby. She got to spend a lot of time with her cousins Wesley and Katelyn. Lillian’s Aunt Elli had these pictures made. Lillian loves her cousins!

Riding the Rodeo Rides


It’s spring break, so Lillian is off to the Rodeo; that’s her aunt Lauren behind her. Aunt Lauren and Uncle Richard love taking her on the crazy carnival rides–her Yia-Yia prefers to watch. Lillian enjoyed the livestock show, too, especially the pigs.

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