My Birthday — By Lillian

We threw a big bash for Lillian’s 2nd birthday, featuring grilled hot dogs (including veggie dogs for the vegetarians) by Chris and Matt Graves, Grandma Peggy’s fabulous potato salad, and dinosaur cupcakes by the Texas Cupcake Queen, Lauren Massey. In addition to a slew of Houston great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends (and some dogs), Lili’s cousin Kaitlyn came down from East Texas with her mom and dad, aunts and grandparents, and Lili’s friend Josie came with her mom. The girls were dressed for getting wet; a number of the grown-ups weren’t, but got wet anyway. (There was some grumbling at Texas girls who decide to have their birthdays in August rather than just about any other not-quite-so-hot month).

Lillian presents this little video with subtitled commentary (with an assist from ace photographer grandma Peggy).

Lillian & Uncle Chris

Sleeping on my cousin Chris

Lillian Grace Denby Update: 9/22/2010

Lillian 9/22/2010

Lillian Grace is 44 days old; her gestational age is 30 weeks.

Lillian had three solid accomplishments today. She gained 44 grams and weighed 2 lbs 14 ozs this morning. Her breath support is now 26 breaths per minute and her blood gas readings remain good. She’s moved up another diaper size; she was producing more than her previous diaper size would hold.

Lillian's Hand

Ashley and Lillian kangarooed again this afternoon. Lillian let her uncle Richard touch her hand; she also made some hand gestures towards her grandfather that might cause trouble if practiced out on Houston‘s freeways.

Thanks for your prayers and support.

Lillian Grace Denby Update: 9/18/2010


Lillian resting

Lillian Grace is 40 days old.

Lillian decided that she should not scare her mother today, so it was a peaceful and pleasant day in the NICU, especially so since Lillian’s dad can spend the whole day there on Saturdays (Lillian is quite taken with her father, and her father is in turn quite taken with her: any boys of about her age may want to bear this in mind in 13 or 14 years). The respiratory team successfully lowered Lillian’s breathing support to 34 bpm; Dr Eason, one of the neonatologists, said that she’s pleased with Lillian’s progress on the new vent; they’ll keep lowering the breathing support until Lillian tolerates 5 breaths per minute; then Lillian will move to the CPAP for breathing support — at that point, the tube comes out. Dr Eason did say that Lillian will likely have a day or two when they’ll hold the breathing support at the previous day’s level: we’re probably looking at another couple of weeks until she is on the CPAP.

No kangarooing today — Lillian is still resting from yesterday’s exertions — but we hope Josh will get his turn with her tomorrow. Lillian is still holding at 2 lbs 9 ozs, and eating (and pooping) with considerable gusto. Ashley swears she saw Lillian smile yesterday, though Ashley is not sure whether this was joy at seeing her mom or exuberance at filling her diaper with lots of stinky green stuff.

Ashley (and Lillian’s) cousin Chris and Jen stopped by and were astounded at how much she has grown in the last several weeks. Some of us wish we could, like Lillian, nearly double our weight and still be considered tiny; at least she is no longer the smallest baby in the NICU, thanks to some new arrivals there.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Lillian Grace Denby Update: 9/13/2010

Lillian holding Ashley's hand this morning

Lillian Grace is 35 days — 5 weeks — old.

Lillian weighed 2 lbs 8 ozs this morning — she’s gained a full pound since birth — and she has grown 3.5 cm since last week: she’s now 13.97 inches tall. She continues to tolerate her feeds very well: they’ve upped her milk volume from 17 to 20 ccs.

Lillian had a pretty good night with respiration, and her blood gas readings have been very good, meaning she is getting enough oxygen in her blood. The respiration team decided to hold off on switching her to the new vent until tomorrow: they want to try to lower the pressure support she’s currently receiving before the switch.

This evening, Josh got to change Lillian’s diaper for the first time, and, according to Ashley, looked to be quite pleased with himself. Ashley praised his diaper changing skills highly (though it’s possible that with that praise she is just laying the ground work for who does what over the next couple of years). A short time afterward, Lillian got a visit from her Labor and Delivery nurses: they were impressed with her growth, and were thrilled to see her doing well.

Lillian’s uncle Richard got to spend the morning and early afternoon undergoing a minor procedure in the outpatient surgery center a couple of floors down from where Lillian is in the NICU, then popped up to visit with his niece and fellow patient (they admired each others’ id wristbands) — and to get a ride home.

Thank you for your prayers and support.