Lillian Grace Denby Update: 9/25/2010

Josh & Ashley bathing Lillian

Lillian Grace is 47 days old.

Lillian used her resting day yesterday to pack on 50 grams — she now weighs almost 3 lbs 2 ozs; you can see it in her face, which is much rounder and chubbier. Her blood gases looked good this morning, and the dietitian increased her milk volume to 25 mL every 3 hours. Dr Romero, one of Lillian’s neonatologists, told Ashley and Josh that they will re-start the weaning process tonight. He also told them that the team has been pushing Lillian pretty hard on weaning from the ventilator, and that she needed a pause to catch up. He expects that it’s likely she’ll need another pause or two as the process continues.

Lillian on Josh

Ashley and Josh got to bathe Lillian this morning for the first time all by themselves. Each of them took a side, and cleaned her using wipes and Baby Magic. They cleaned her ears with swabs and water. Under the watchful eye of Lillian’s nurse, Josh lifted Lillian and Ashley put a pad underneath her; then they removed her diaper (full of poop, of course) and began to clean her. A few minutes into the bath, she pooped again. After cleaning that up, they folded the pad and continued with the bath. Then, Josh lifted her again and Ashley changed her bedding. Josh put her down, and, just as they lifted her bottom to put a clean diaper on, she pooped again all over the clean bedding. This time, after cleaning her they first put the new diaper on, then Ashley lifted her and Josh changed the bedding. Some things — like when is the best time to put the diaper back on — may be best learned through experience.

We’ve added a new slide show, with pictures of Josh and Lillian kangarooing and of Josh and Ashley bathing Lillian:

Thanks for your prayers and support.

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