Lillian Grace Denby Update: 10/1/2010

Sucking on fingers

Lillian Grace is 53 days old today.

This morning, Lillian gained another 20 grams to 1,522 grams — still 3 lbs 5ozs. The respiration team lowered her breathing support another 2 bpm to 17 bpm and blood gas readings are good.

About mid-day, her temperature started fluctuating a bit, so she had to take off her pretty new clothes and her nurse reset her isolette to maintain her temperature: she’s just learning to regulate her own temperature, and the team will let her try again in a day or two. Since temperature fluctuation can be a sign of the onset of illness, the team drew some blood and is running tests just to be sure she isn’t getting ill — there are no other signs of illness right now. Ashley and Josh are NICU veterans, now, and recognize the “2 steps forward, 1 step back” cycle that typifies life in the NICU — but it can still be very frustrating (moms and grandmas and nurses all get very excited about bows and hats and polka dot shirts for babies).

Thanks for your prayers and support!

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