New Year’s Resolutions

Voicing her displeasure

1. Make more food from scratch 2. Post more often.

…only 2 resolutions and so far they have not been going well, folks. Lillian has decided she is a night owl. She wants to stay up all night and party. She insured that we saw the New Year in — and several hours beyond… yet, it is the biggest joy in the world to have her home.


Sweetly sleeping

She is a social creature and ever so charming — though her charm is not as clear at 2 in the morning when she is at her most demanding. To say that I am sleep deprived is a bit of an understatement. I have forgotten the words to communicate simple ideas, and I often cannot communicate at all: “I need to thing the things.” Fortunately Josh is understanding and we are working hard on non verbal communication. I am going to try to post once or twice a week, but no promises until she sleeps a bit more.


I love being a mom.

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