Fight For Preemies

Lillian Grace

Lillian 100 days ago

Three months ago Josh and I discovered the world of premature babies. When you find yourself tossed into this world, you find that it’s an overwhelming place: so much information to absorb and so many fears to face. But the preemie community welcomed us with open arms; we have so many new and wonderful parents and friends in our lives; many have traveled much harder roads than we have, yet they reached out to comfort and support us. We are also deeply grateful for (and humbled by) the amazing outpouring of support from so many friends and family.

Today is Prematurity Awareness Day. 1 in 8 babies is born premature. I knew nothing of this world in which incredibly tiny babies have to fight to breathe, eat and live until I watched my own amazing child fight harder than I could ever imagine a 1 pound, 8 ounce human could fight. Today I fight for Lillian and other babies like her because all babies deserve the best chance at life. Go to to find out what you can do to help. –Ashley