Lillian Grace Denby Update: 1/3/2010


Riding in the car

Lillian Grace is 147 days — 21 weeks — old today.

Lillian enjoyed staying up to welcome the New Year in on Friday night; once she’d made sure that the New Year was indeed here, she enjoyed keeping Mom and Dad up discussing it for many, many hours — we think her parents didn’t enjoy it quite as much as did Lillian, and they certainly forgot to record the many predictions and resolutions she shared with them in the early hours of 2011; translation can be difficult when you are bone-tired.


Play time

Lillian’s behavior is pretty typical for a one month old baby; of course, one month is her adjusted age (ie., calculated from her due date); her actual age is coming up on 5 months. Life has settled into a routine among the Denby clan: Lillian sleeps, eats, plays and poops; Mom and Dad feed her, play with her and change her; now and then they catch an hour or two of sleep. But, parental exhaustion is no barrier to parental joy.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


A Letter to Lillian Grace on the Occasion of her 3 Month Birthday

3 Months Old

Dear Lillian Grace,

Today you are 3 months old. You astound me with your progress: each day, you are more aware, more communicative, more wonderful than the day before. You love to hear me read to you — especially books that rhyme. If I read aloud while holding you, you open your eyes and look at me solemnly. You love the sound of singing; you kick your feet and smile. You love the rumble of your dad’s voice when he holds you; you snuggle into him. You have a contented sigh that you give when you fall asleep with a full tummy. You are a sweet, funny, beautiful girl and your dad and I are very proud of you.

It’s been a long journey to get here. Three months of terror and worry (and joy), but you have met each of the challenges you’ve faced in your short life. You still have a few challenges to meet before you come home, but we have no doubt that you will triumph over these as well. You have so many people rooting for you: you are a very special girl. Your dad and I love you and we are excited to see you continue to grow a little more every day.


Mom and Dad